Tuesday, November 15, 2011

And the award goes to

No, you haven't been magically whisked away to the Emmy's (wouldn't that be cool!) but yours truly did win an award.  Yep, my name turned up in one of those (virtual) envelopes.  What award?
Thanks to With a Shot of Brandy for my nomination and award!  This award comes with a few instructions (other than smile this way for the camera) so let's take a closer look inside the envelope and see what the rules are:

1) Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award! (Thanks again, Brandy!)
2) Share 7 things about yourself (we'll get to that below)
3) Award 7 other bloggers (I took the liberty of changing this from 10 to 7 because I just love the number seven)!

Seven Things About Me:
1)  I'm an only child.  I'm not spoiled at all though...just ask my mom and dad.  Oh, and my pet unicorn.
2)  Even with 2 kids, a full-time job and a very long to-do list, I do sleep {almost} 8 hours a day.
3)  Despite my maroon and orange tinged blood/skin, I did not go to Virginia Tech.
4)  I mess with him a lot but, secretly, I love it when Mathlete talks nerdy.
5)  I have the best family and friends anyone could hope for!
6)  I have small OCD tendencies...just ask the Starbucks barista about my coffee cup.
7)  One of my favorite things in this world is planning/hosting parties for our family and friends.

And now it is time to announce some winners of my own...envelope please
[Risk Metrics]
And the winners are...
Cardigan Junkie
Crafty Scrappy Happy
Decor to Adore
DIY Home Sweet Home Project
Night Owl Crafting
Project Queen
Vintage Gwen

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