Friday, November 25, 2011

Fabulous Freebie Friday #6

Hi, my dear readers! I hope the Thanksgiving holiday treated you all well. As you read this, I am probably out having the time of my year during my yearly Black Friday shopping.
I'm also over at Naptime is My Time sharing one of my first Christmas crafts of the season today.  Please stop by to say hi!

Nap Time is My Time

Now, let's get to the Giveaway link up!
Got a giveaway going on? This is your place to share it!

The "rules" of this party:
1) Be sure to link to your specific giveaway post and not to your overall blog.
2) Put the name of your giveaway and an end date in your link title.
3) Please put my button (found over on the right side of your screen!) or a link back to here in your post so your readers will know where to come find yours and other fabulous giveaways each week.



  1. Thanks for hosting! :) So how was the shopping?? :)

    Ginger @

  2. Hey, I'm giving you the Liebster Blog Award ... it's to support up-and-coming bloggers. Check out my post today to find out more about what it is and what you should do with it. Love your blog. Check it out at:


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from readers and try to respond to each and every comment {via email}! So, tell me, what's on your mind?