Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get Excited with Me!

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You know that feeling when something awesome drops in your lap and you are giddy with excitement?  Yeah, that is where I am right.this.moment.

Way back in 2011 {yeah, a long time ago...I know}, I sat down and started this little ole blog as a way to chronicle what happens in our life.  It has grown quite a bit thanks to fabulous readers {like you!} and I could not be happier.

Today, Just Us Four was featured in the Best of Web series on Be @ The Home Decor Blog

Want to check it out? 
I hope you do...just click here!

While you're there, be sure to check out the Tip Center which offers some pretty fabulous tips on everything from shopping to baking to gifts!

P.S. If you are visiting from the feature,
I hope you will click around and see what Just Us Four is all about!  Oh, and I'd love to have you join as a follower too so we can stay in touch!

Ok, off to finish my happy dance {oh, and call the Mathlete to share the news of course}!



Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from readers and try to respond to each and every comment {via email}! So, tell me, what's on your mind?