Sunday, June 24, 2012

Can I Try that Again?

Have you ever had one of those moments that you just wish you could take back?

I have had a TON of them.  I always seem to put my foot in my mouth, make hasty decisions only to seriously regret the choices later or do the most embarassing thing at the wrong time. It's a nifty little gift I have.

Right now, I am currently living in one of my biggest "oh I wish I could do that over moments". 
It is called our house paint.  Yep...our house paint.

When we moved in to this house, I was pregnant (5 months) and facing a month without Mathlete as he jetted off to sunny California for a work trip.  Needless to say, I was in some serious hormonal overload.  Wanting to get the house "perfect" before he left, I quickly selected paint color for every room but one in the entire house.  {The one unpainted room is the laundry room no one ever sees.}

Now, two years later as I am truly working to finish each room in the house, I find that my hasty paint selections are something that I wish I could do over.  I wish we had lived in the house for awhile and decided based on the feel and flow of the house before choosing the colors on the wall.  It isn't that the colors are bad.  They just don't really fit into the feel I want for this house.

Take our master bedroom for instance {long time readers know this is a real do-over project in the works}...when we moved in, I was so weary from choosing paint colors that, instead of just leaving them white and painting them later, I just said "paint them what they were in the old place".

So, I ended up with an olive green bedroom
and a dark red bathroom
Yes, this is a picture of our dining room but the colors were the same.

Not the best when my vision looks a lot more like

I know what you are thinking right now, "It's only paint". is only paint!  BUT, especially with two kids and a full time job, finding the time to re-paint can be a real challenge. 
Not to mention all the "discussion" {i.e. complaining} that takes place with Mathlete because he is the main painter in our house.

The change in the bathroom took 3 full days to complete {another tip: NEVER paint a room red unless you don't really want to change it} because we can only work in small snippets.  In our bathroom, looking like this for 2-3 days isn't a big problem but is less than ideal when you are talking about major house areas like the living room or dining room.

So, now you know the dark secret of our house!  The paint colors {well, most of them anyways} account for my biggest "do over" moment to date.  Give me time, though.  I am sure I can top this one ;)

Do you have a moment {or maybe a bunch?} that you wish you could just do over? 

From Frigidaire: The Frigidaire Gallery™Dishwasher gets dishes fully cleaned the first time, so there are no dish do-overs. Nearly half of adults admit to re-washing and/or re-drying dishes after the dishwasher cycle has been completed. To prevent dishwasher do-overs, Frigidaire® is stepping in with its new Gallery® Dishwasher featuring the OrbitCleanTM Wash Arm, ensuring dishes are cleaned right the first time.

I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All the opinions expressed here are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think we've all had our bad paint moments! I'm happy to be your newest follower from the Sunday Social, and would love for you to visit me back at! :)


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