Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WTCW #55

Whew! It has been a crazy past few days. We had a ton of activities over the weekend {including a super fabulous baby shower for a friend} and I am beat. Thankfully, not so tired that I couldn't do some recipe cruising on the interwebs.

Let’s check out what I found.
[Framed Cooks][Closet Cooking][Michelle's Tasty Creations][Good Life Eats]
Sunday: Ok, I’ve rambled on and on before about my love of Sunday “family” dinners before.  These meatballs with fresh ricotta just scream family style dinner to me.

Monday: How about a meatless Monday with a sandwich as the star?  I think an asparagus pesto grilled cheese would make a perfect Monday meal.

Tuesday: For weeknight dinners, the ease of combining your veggies with your meat just can’t be beat. I guess that is why I love recipes like this one for teriyaki pork kabobs.

Wednesday: This is going to shock you but I am throwing another sandwich into our menu here! This time, we’re wrapping dinner up with Santa Fe chicken salad wraps.
[Anja's Food 4 Thought][I Breathe I'm Hungry][The Healthy Foodie]
Thursday: Spaghetti is such a versatile item to cook with. We’re staying pretty true to the Italian roots with pasta puttanesca this week.

Friday: Hotter weather = lighter meals for us. Grilled chicken with baby bok choy salad is a great option for dinner on a warm evening.

Saturday: We’ll close out week with something that resembles a burger but, in reality, has a lot more going for it. Sweet potatoes and kale are built into these chicken patties to amp up the veggie content of the meal. 

As always, I would love to hear what’s going to be on your plate this upcoming week!

P.S. I made the red curry coconut stir fry last night and it was fabulous! We did use chicken instead of tofu to keep the main carnivore in our house happy.
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