Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Plum of a Giveaway

I am so excited about this giveaway!

Seriously...if you could see me through your computer screen, you would get a show of me dancing my super happy dance.


Because today I am hosting a giveaway sponsored by my FAVORITE places to shop: Pick Your Plum.

I'm sure you are familiar with Pick Your Plum by now {if not, what are you waiting for...check it out now!}! They offer a sale on crafting supplies and other fun stuff each day of the week! We're talking super discounts on things like washi tape, wooden letters and so much more.
The {small} catch: the sale only goes on until the limited quantities are all gone or until time runs out. 

Take a look at some of their past stuff: 
Today's giveaway is AH-MAZING! 

Not just because it is with Pick Your Plum but because they are giving you a $75 Plum Box filled with swank crafting, fashion, baking and home décor stuff! 

Who wouldn't want a box filled with stuff like this? 
So, I am sure your fingers are just aching to enter so let's get down to it. 

Fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win. {Hint: One of the options is to like Pick Your Plum on should totally so this because that is where notices of the new product for the day goes first!} 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck! 

I'll see you back here on 2 August to find out who our winner is! You can always do some shopping while you wait!
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