Friday, July 6, 2012

Pinworthy Projects Party #18

Don't forget to join the Feed Me Friday blog hop going on now!  It is a great way to find a bunch of fabulous new blogs to follow.
Now, on to the party...

Did you create something Pinworthy these week?

Link it up below!




  1. Thank you so much for letting me know about your Pinworthy Party! I finally had something I oulf link up!! Hope all is well!
    Thanks for hosting every week!

  2. Oh, I am so very envious of all of these pinworthy projects and may have to just start pinning away. =)

    Stopping by to say "HI" and to follow ya from The ALOHA Friday HOP!!! Thanks so much for sharing your aloha with us, it is so sweet to have you in the mix.

    We're peeking in a New Zealand Mama's beach bag and giving away over $100 in Beach Beauty Awesomeness today-- come join us for the ride... you know, if you're feeling lucky. =)

    Happy Weekend,


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from readers and try to respond to each and every comment {via email}! So, tell me, what's on your mind?