Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teaching the Art of Giving: #BagItForward

School is approaching so quickly and, this year, we actually have to take note of the start date because H is starting Kindergarten.

In my attempt to start the year prepared, we went back to school shopping recently. As part of our shopping, I participated in an amazing campaign sponsored by Elmer's called Bag It Forward.

The idea is simple but very powerful.  Buy 2, give 1.

Basically, you buy two of each school supply and give one to someone less fortunate. I really wanted to participate and have H take part so that she would learn about helping others in need. We started our shopping at our local {brand new!} Wal-Mart.
Their school supplies are set up right when you walk in the door which is super convenient. 
They also have an Elmer's school supply list section where you can find the list of supplies for most of the area school. 
On the top is a QR code {love those} to download the Elmer's 1st Day App to your phone. 
If you don't have a smart phone, you can also access the "1st Day" App download on the web. The app lets capture and share pictures from the first day of school which is an annual milestone for students, teachers and parents alike! 
Since this is our first year of school, it is a HUGE milestone for us so I know there will be tons of pictures! 

We did a quick download of the app and then hit the aisles to shop with our list in hand. I had to giggle at the amount of glue sticks noted on our list...18! 
I guess Kindergartners use a lot of glue :) H was most excited about the glitter glue so we added that to our cart too. 

Once we had all of our supplies in the cart, we headed for the check-out line. 
We carried all our supplies home and separated them so we could donate the second set to the local school supply drive. 
We picked a donation drive sponsored by our local county because we knew the supplies would help a local in-county family at a nearby school. We packaged up our school supplies in the book bag we bought and headed to the donation site. 
This local preschool is our closest donation site for the county sponsored program. 
Luckily, Junior's little boy attends the school so we can easily access the donation box! 
Our supplies are now ready to go to a needy child so he or she can be prepared for the upcoming school year.
I'm excited that we checked shopping for school supplies off of our to-do list early and, even more so, that we got to help someone in need in the process. 

I hope you will consider, if resources allow, joining the Bag It Forward movement. You can read more at BagItForward.org  or by visiting Elmer's on Facebook or Elmer's on Twitter
We all have the ability to help others in need with just a little effort.   School supplies can be found for as little as $.50 but make a HUGE impact in a child's life.  When you are out school shopping for your kids, please consider bagging it forward by buying two and giving one.

Please visit my Google+ album to see more of our donation story. You can also visit Bag It Forward on Pinterest to see more donation stories! 
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I am a member of the Collective Bias(tm) Social Fabric(r) Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias(tm) and Elmer's #BagItForward #CBias

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to get ready for back to school! Helping to ease the transition by knocking a task out of the way and helping others at the same time!


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