Wednesday, August 22, 2012

WTCW #65

Ok, so my hair is no longer on fire {just a little bit of smoldering} so I can do a more proper What to Cook Wednesday feature for you this week. I will go ahead and warn you that I might not be able to offer as much next week as I will be sending not just one but both of my kids off to school for the first time ever! Kleenex is having a banner month thanks to my tissue investments!

We're not here to talk about school though so let's get down to the food.
[The Kitchn][Relishing It][Love, Pomengranate House][Mrs. Happy Homemaker]
Sunday: Kindergarten prep will be in full force in our house so I am definitely digging the idea of super comfort food. Chicken with artichokes and wine sauce offers some comfort with a little twist.

Monday: It may still be a little hot outside but the idea of trying African peanut soup just stuck with me from the moment I saw it.

Tuesday: We usually do our grocery pick-up on Tuesdays which makes it the perfect day to try out coconut shrimp since they will be fresh from the store!

Wednesday: Instead of tossing leftovers on trash night, meatloaf grilled cheese sandwiches offers a great option for using them!
[Mango & Tomato][Its Overflowing][Skinny Taste]
Thursday: Pasta night! I love the idea of mixing pasta with tons of fresh, summer veggies in pasta primavera.

Friday: By the end of the work week, I am usually looking for something quick and easy (but super tasty) to throw together for dinner. Baja chicken wraps sound like a great option that will fill all those requirements.

Saturday: There is something so summery about corn and crab cakes. With baked corn and crab cakes, I can instantly get the best of both! 

Ok, so tell me what you will be making this week? Have kiddos going back to school (or like in my to school)?
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  1. The Baja chicken wrap sounds good! I've had African Peanut soup in Sierra Leone once (they call it Groundnut Soup there). It's pretty tasty, but I haven't been able to copy it to my liking yet. The version you posted looks tasty! I made a quick and delicious dessert last night - Peach Almond Torta - it's perfect for a quick treat for the family or even some guests.

  2. Great menu! The coconut shrimp sounds yummy! Thanks again for linking up to the CHQ blog hop! Happy to be following via GFC! Hope to see you next week! Bring a friend!! =)

  3. Wow your dishes look amazing! You reminded me I need to plan my weekly meals. In our house we homeschool so my kids won't go anywhere, they stay right here. But we probably won't be starting for another couple of weeks. Thanks for visiting me and leaving a kind comment. Have a great day!


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