Monday, November 26, 2012

Saving Money with New Lightbulbs

It is no secret that we've been spending a lot of time and energy finishing our basement recently.  It is almost done and we are down to adding final touches.  This includes putting in light bulbs. I did a little research before heading to the store and GE Energy Savings light bulbs offer a tremendous dollar savings and savings for the planet.  Calculate your savings!
After seeing how much I could save in just the basement alone, I went off to the store to get some new light bulbs for the space and to replace my the current ones on our main level.
I found a huge selection including ones for the flood light.
I decided to buy some school supplies with the money I was saving to donate to H's classroom.  With the holidays coming up, they are doing a ton of projects and the teacher said they are running low on supplies already!  I chose Elmer's glue because I know the kids use a bunch of it. I really like the #GlueNGlitter so I picked some of that too. 
See more from my shopping trip in my Google+ Album.
Once home, we created a board to illustrate our savings using the thing my kids understand most: candy!
Our school supplies went into a cute little stocking to be taken to H's class as a donation.  

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I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Elmer’s..  #GlueNGlitter #CBias #SocialFabric

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to give back and save at the same time! I had to chuckle about your display board! Moms know what will hold their children's attention through an important conservation lesson :)


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