Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pinworthy Projects Party - My Pinworthy Picks

For the first time in weeks, I actually got to pin some projects earlier this week and share them on Facebook and Twitter. 

Today I'm back with some more great features from last week's party! {Look for them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest too!}

Let's start off with something to make your mouth water.  Keri, at Shaken Together, made these delicious Nutella Popovers.

As part of her amazing craft room redo, Bethany {from Pitter and Glink} stenciled this great looking valance for the updated space.

Looking for some inexpensive but stylish storage bins?  Check out what Kim from Reposhture used to make these cute storage bins.

Washi and fabric tape are all the rage right now.  Over at Nifty Thrifty Things, Vanessa shared how to make your own fabric tape.

Over at Muse of the Morning, Chrissy shared a great kid craft making Kandinsky inspired monoprints.

And the link with the most views this week was...
the condiment caddy that Jessica, from Home with Baxter, made using some pretty simple supplies.
A big thanks to everyone that linked up! I'm looking forward to seeing what you all have to share tomorrow!



  1. Fun Features Shannah! Love that easy simple condiment caddy! How fun-- and those nutellla rolls- oh me oh my!!!

  2. those look delicious!! found you via the blog hop xo

  3. Great features! I love the look of that fabric tape!

  4. What a beautiful blog you have!!!
    (stopping by from hopalong friday)

  5. Those chocolate Nutella treats look amazing!!! Stopping by from the Networking Blog Hop...I am your newest follower! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :)
    Modern Modest Beauty


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