Thursday, June 7, 2012

May: A Photo Glimpse

Isn’t it funny how the month of June hits and all of sudden everything gets busier? Crazy how that happens.

Here is a quick photo glimpse of what has been going down in our neck of the woods during May and early June.

There was festival #1 which a yearly Memorial Day tradition for us

And, festival #2…a little closer to home!

We also spent some time sleeping in the car…

Making and eating food for cook-outs...

And eating lots of cheerios.

We rounded out the month of May/started June with H’s first dance recital.

Bring on summer!
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  1. great pictures - such a ray of sunshine! saw you at Feed me Friday blog hop and I'm a new follower via GFC. Love for you to follow back when you get a chance.

  2. Looks like SO much fun!! The sleeping car pics are adorable:)

  3. what fun - adorable pictures!
    I'm hopping over from Stalker Sunday hop & following you on GFC, linky, f/b, twitter and pinterest.
    Huge green hugs,


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