Friday, June 8, 2012

Pinworthy Projects Party #14

Don't forget to join the Feed Me Friday blog hop going on now!  It is a great way to find a bunch of fabulous new blogs to follow.

Now, on to the party...

Did you create something Pinworthy these week?

Link it up below!

A few {minor} rules:
Please only link up projects you have etsy shops or giveaways! (Looking for a giveaway linky? Check out Homemaker on a DimeSomeday Crafts and Bacon Time)
2. Be sure to put a permalink back to my blog in any post you link up...giveaway OR project. You can grab a button from above, the sidebar OR just include a link back here.
{Of course, I would LOVE it if you would follow me via GFC, Linky Followers and/or email!}
3. Please go visit at least 2 other projects you see in the linky. We all like for visitors to stop by so share the love.

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  1. Thanks so much for the work you put into hosting this linky party! Here's to a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! :-)

  3. Great party thank you so much for hosting it :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Shannah, Thanks so much for hosting another great link party. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  5. Found you from Stalk Hop. Then I just linked up to your party. Thanks for hosting! Love for you to follow back when you get a chance. Also would love your hop added to the directory. Just add FREEHOP at checkout and it is free ;)

  6. Thank you for hosting Shannah!

    Hugs, Tanya :)

  7. TY for hosting this wonderful linky. I am visiting from the Super Stalker Blog hop & will leave a follower via Linky followers & GFC :D Feel free to swing by for a visit sometime!



Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from readers and try to respond to each and every comment {via email}! So, tell me, what's on your mind?