Thursday, July 12, 2012

Feed Me Friday Blog Hop


Welcome to Feed Me Friday Blog Hop, hosted by Oh So Savvy Mom, Nap Time is My Time, Great Contradictions and Just Us Four! 

Feed Me Friday is a Blog Hop to help you meet new bloggers and build your e-mail subscription. 

Want to be a part of Feed Me Friday? 
Just follow these simple rules:

- Add your blog link to the linky

- Subscribe by email and follow via Google+ (or Linky Followers) to the four hostesses (Oh So Savvy Mom, Nap Time is My Time, Great Contradictions and Just Us Four) and the Featured Blog of the Week. Make sure to leave us a comment and we will return the favor.

- Visit as many blogs on the list as you can. If you like the blog subscribe to their email (feel free to follow on Google+ too, if you want)

- Leave them a comment with your blog link so they know you are subscribing from Feed Me Friday. Be sure to confirm your subscription! Subscribing back is not mandatory, but it is recommended. It is a great way to build blogging relationships.

Since this is an email subscription blog hop, your blog must have a place for people to subscribe to your email. 
If there isn’t an email subscribe option, your link will be removed from the linky without warning. 

Every Friday we will put up a new Feed Me Friday linky, so be sure to stop by and add your blog. Each week we will choose one participant from the previous week’s blog hop to be the Featured Blog of the Week.

This week’s featured blogger is….
No Time for Tea Parties
A blog about my life and why I don't have time for Tea Parties! I am a full time Stay at Home Mom, raising 3 beautiful kids. With three cultures and languages in the home there is always something new to learn. Everyday life as a wife, mother and cultural navigator is my full time job. I enjoy cooking, taking pictures, crafting, painting, bead making, and sewing. I spend a good amount of my time learning how to recreate and adapt to living in a culture other than the one I was born and raised in. It makes my life fun and adventurous. I am pretty eclectic in my interests and activities.



Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from readers and try to respond to each and every comment {via email}! So, tell me, what's on your mind?