Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pinworthy Project Party - My Pinworthy Picks

Just a little note before we get started checking out some great features from last week's party...

I am so grateful to each and every one of my readers that comes to link up each week and I L-O-V-E featuring projects and recipes from the party.
However, as I visit all of the links {and I visit every one!}, I am noticing that a lot of people are not linking back here.  It's such a small thing to link back and is a pretty common request by link party hosts.

So, effective the party on 3 August, I will no longer feature projects or recipes that do not have a link back to my site in some way {I have no preference on a button vs. a text link}.
This isn't really a new thing as almost all of the blogs I link to have the same policy.

So, again...THANK YOU for coming to visit and link up!  You are always welcome to do so even without a link back but I won't be featuring projects/recipes from blogs that do not provide a link back here.

Now, let's get on the fun stuff...features!
Leslie, from the Seasoned Homemaker, shared instructions to make this adorable Apron. 
Check out this gorgeous DIY tinted glass project from Twigg Studios. 

Megan, from My Pinteresting Family, redid her childhood desk and it looks fantastic. 

Claire, from a little something in the meantime, made this awesome artwork inspired by a vintage band-aid box!

If you are hungry, Tanya from twelve-o-eight, shared a delicious looking BBQ Teriyaki chicken recipe.

And the most viewed link this week was the Anthro-Inspired glasses from It All Started with Paint:
Awesome projects linked up last week! If you were featured, I hope you will grab featured button!

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for another great party!



  1. Thanks so much for the feature, Shannah! :) Enjoy your day.

  2. Thankyou so much for featuring my ombre vase il be back to link up tommorrow xxxx

  3. Thank you for featuring my band-aid tin inspired art, Shannah! I'll be linking up again this week for sure!

    Have a great one :)

  4. Shannah,

    Thanks so much for the feature! How exciting to be the most clicked link!



  5. Shannah, thank you so much for including me in this week's features! Have a wonderful weekend :)


  6. Shannah, thank you so much for including me in this week's features! Have a wonderful weekend :)



Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from readers and try to respond to each and every comment {via email}! So, tell me, what's on your mind?